Legal Notice / Privacy Policy


Headquarter Germany
Linxer Strasse 18a
77694 Kehl

☎ +49 7853-2023015

Nicolas Redonnet

The content of this web site is protected under copyright law. No reproduction or use of any images, graphics or text on this website without our prior express permission. We are not liable for any damage that may occur directly or indirectly as a result of using this website.

Liability for links:
We expressly declare that all linked pages were carefully examined at the time the link was set and found to be free of illegal content. We have no influence over current and future design and content of the linked pages. We therefore hereby disassociate ourselves from all content of all linked pages altered after the links were set and deny all responsibility for the same. Should you discover a link on this website that leads to pages with improper or illegal content we would request that you notify us as soon as possible so that we can remove such links.

Information relating to; data protection for visitors to the AIWTKF web pages

1. List of information relating to data protection

General remarks
The following information provides a general overview of the use of your personal data when you visit our web page. Personal data includes any data that allows you to be identified. In this regard, you will find detailed information later in this text (accessible from the “Data protection” link).

Data recording on our website
Who is responsible for data recording on this website?

Data processing on this site is carried out exclusively. by the operator of this website, whose contact details appear in the legal notices.
Procedure relating to recording your data
Firstly, your data is collected when you provide it to us; this may, for example, be data concerning you appearing in a contact form. During visits to our website, other data is automatically recorded by our IT system. This mainly concerns technical data (for example: Internet browser, operating system, time of viewing our page). The recording of this data takes place automatically as soon as you visit our website.
What is your data used for?
Part of the data is collected to ensure updating. impeccable layout of this site. Another part of your data may be used for this purpose. analyze your behavior as a user.
Your rights relating to; recording your data
At any time, you have the right to obtain free information about the origin, recipient and use of your stored personal data. You also have the right to demand the correction, blocking or deletion of this data. For this purpose as well as for other questions concerning personal data law, you have the possibility to contact us. to contact us at the address appearing in the legal notices. You also have the right to lodge an appeal with the competent authority. competent supervision.

Third-party analytics and management tools
During your visit to our website, your browsing behavior may be subject to evaluation and statistical analysis. This applies in particular to cookies and analysis programs. The analysis relating to your browsing behavior is anonymous; This analysis cannot under any circumstances trace your identity. You have the possibility to to contest this analysis or even to prevent it by opposing it; the use of certain tools. You will find detailed information later in this text (accessible from the “Data protection” link). You have the right to contest this analysis (more information on the right to contest below).

2. Legal notices and mandatory information

Data protection
The operators of this website take the protection of your personal data very seriously. We process your personal data discreetly and in accordance with the law. with the guidelines provided for by the law on the regulation of the protection of personal data. This data is also processed in accordance with the law. with this declaration concerning the protection of personal data. When you use this website, various personal data are collected.ies. Personal data can identify you. This personal data statement sets out the data we collect and how we use it. The declaration includes explanations relating to the the way in which the collection is done as well as how it is collected; the use of this information. We would like to point out that data transmission over the Internet may present security vulnerabilities. (communication by e-mail for example). Complete data protection against access by third parties is therefore impossible.

Mention relating to the responsible service
The administrative department responsible for data processing is:

Linxer Strasse 18a
77694 Kehl (Germany)
☎ +49 7853-2023015

The responsible administrative department is the natural or legal person who, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data. personal character (for example: name, address, e-mail).

Opposition to authorization to collect personal data
The majority Data processing can only be carried out with your personal consent. You have to You have the right to revoke your consent at any time. To do this, simply send us an email. Legitimacy data processing operations collected up to your possible revocation remains intact.

Right of appeal to the relevant authority competent supervision
In the event of an infringement regarding data processing, the data subject has a right of appeal to the competent authority. competent supervision. The authority The competent supervisory authority in terms of legal questions regarding data protection is the supervisory representative. à data protection of the federal state in which our company operates. has its seat. You will find under the following link a list of delegates to data protection and contact details:

The right to portability data
You have the right to have the data that we have processed delivered in an automated manner, on the basis of your agreement, either to your request. yourself or at your request a third party and in a standard machine-readable file format. If you want the data to be transmitted directly to the another person designated as the responsible person, this cannot be carried out that to the extent thatù it is technically feasible.

Right of access, deletion and blocking of your personal data
Within the framework of the legal and constitutional bases in force, at any time, you have the right to free information on the personal data concerning you that we have stored. This also refers to the origin and recipients of the data as well as the purpose of data processing. In addition, you may have the right to request that this personal data be corrected, blocked or deleted. For this purpose as well as for other questions concerning personal data law, you have the possibility to contact us. to contact us at the address appearing in the legal notices.

Right to object to sending advertising emails
The use by third parties of contact details published in the context of legal notices for the purpose of sending advertising. and unsolicited information is expressly prohibited. The administrators of these pages areThey expressly serve as a recourse to legal measures, in the case of sending unsolicited advertising information, such as through Spam.

3. Collecting data on its website

Our web pages partly use cookies. Cookies do not pose any risk of damage to your computer and do not contain any viruses that could cause damage. “Cookies” are also used to: allow us to improve our offer in order to make it easier to access, effective and secure. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer and saved by your browser. Most of the cookies we use are session cookies which are automatically deleted once your session has ended. However, some cookies remain on your computer’s hard drive until they are deleted. what you deleted them. These cookies allow us to recognize your browser the next time you visit. You can configure your navigation software (« browser») to suit your needs. be informed You can monitor the creation of cookies in real time and decide whether to generally accept or refuse cookies. Thus, the reception of cookies can be blocked or authorized for certain specific cases as well as these cookies can be automatically deleted when closing the browser. When you deactivate the saving of cookies on your computer, the use of the functionality of our website may be restricted. Cookies whose purpose is: to allow communication by electronic means or the updating of data provision of certain functions desired by the user will be retained (article 6 EU GDPR). The website operator has a legitimate interest in the content of the website. the recording of cookies in order to guarantee updating; impeccable and optimized provision of its services. To the extent thatù certain other cookies are recorded (cookies used for example as part of the analysis relating to research activity) the latter are treated separately in this text ( accessible from the “Data Protection” link): See the “Plug-ins and tools” section.

Log files and file server
The internet service provider automatically collects and stores the information that your browser transmits to us in server log files. To know:
– The type and agrave; the browser version
– The operating system
– The reference URL
– Host name of the connected computer<br/ > – Access time of the server request
– IP address

This data will not be cross-referenced with other data sources. Data processing is based on on Article 6 EU GDPR, authorizing data processing in the context of the execution of a contract or pre-contractual measures.

Contact form
When you contact us using our contact form, the information and your contact details collected at from your request form will be stored in order to facilitate the processing of your request as well as to respond promptly to your request. any additional questions. We will not transmit your personal data to anyone else. third parties without your consent. The processing of the data that you have transmitted to us via the contact form is carried out exclusively on the basis of your consent (article 6 EU GDPR). revoke your authorization at any time. All you need to do is send us a brief message to this effect. Legitimacy data processing operations collected up to your possible revocation remains intact. We store the personal data you provide to us via the contact form until the end date. receipt of a request for deletion or revocation of consent from you. Your donationBorne may also be deleted in the event of absence of reasons justifying the retention of data (e.g.: when we have completed the processing of your request form). Any binding legal provision – including the retention period – remains intact.

4. Plug-ins and tools

NOTES: From November 2023 the Google Analytics and Google Maps tools are replaced by Matomo (Statistics) and by OpenStreetMaps.
Activation or deactivation of its external tools is possible via the Tarte aux citrons cookie manager accessible on our Privacy Policy page.
The statistics collected by Matomo are stored on the same server as this website and are under no circumstances shared with third parties.

For more information on these 2 tools please refer to the following information:

You Tube
Our site uses plug-in services from the managed You Tube site. by Google. The operator of this page is You Tube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. When you visit one of our pages with a You Tube plug-in, a link to the servers operated by You Tube will be established. The Google server is then informed; of the Internet page you visited. When you are logged in à your account, you allow You Tube to associate your browsing habits with your content your personal profile. In order to remedy this problem, You have the possibility to do this. to log out of your You Tube account. The use of You Tube is done in the interest of a better overview of our online offers. This constitutes a legitimate interest in view of Article 6 EU GDPR.

For more information on how your personal data is processed, please refer to: the section devoted to the privacy policy from You Tube:

Google Web Fonts
This site uses « Web Fonts » provided by Google. This is a free web font hosting service. When visiting the website, your browser will load the « Web Fonts » required on your browser’s cache memory. the effect of correctly displaying texts as well as fonts. So, the web browser you are using is required to to connect to the Google server. In doing so, based on your IP address, Google is informed of the fact that you have accessed à our website. This constitutes a legitimate interest in view of Article 6 EU GDPR.
If, however, your web browser does not support these « “Web Fonts”, a default font on your computer will then be used. For more information, see: as well as’à the privacy policy from Google:

Google Maps Using an API, this site provides benefit from the cartographic services of Google Maps. These services are provided by the company Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. In order to be able to benefit from Google Maps functions, it is necessary to register your IP address. As a general rule, this information is transmitted and saved on a server located at the same time. in the USA. The provider of this site has no influence on this data transfer. The use of Google Maps is done in the interest of a better overview of our online offers as well as to facilitate the identification of the places indicated on our site. This constitutes a legitimate interest in view of Article 6 EU GDPR. For more information, visit what’à the privacy policy from Google: